The South Caribbean District of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas

Renewed in Christ: Committed to a new Caribbean

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Contact Information

Please convert your pledge amount to USD

Donations may be made in Trinidad and Tobago dollars; Barbados dollars ; or United States dollars. Kindly convert your pledge to United States dollars for information purposes only, if required, and insert the answer in the space provided below.

to the South Caribbean District’s  Methodist Schools Development Project

Payment Details

Our TTD$ Account:
Bank: Republic Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Account #:  200804194001
Swift Code: RBNKTTPX

Our USD$ Account:
Bank: Bank of Nova Scotia
Account #: 9016195
Transit #:  40055
Swift Code: NOSCBBBB
Recipient Country - Barbados
Recipient Name - The Methodist Church South Caribbean District
Address - Sarah Ann Gill Vestry, James Street, St. Michael BB 11133, Barbados
Recipient Phone # - (246) 436-6344

Our BDS$ Account:
Bank: Bank of Nova Scotia
Account #: 58211
Swift Code: NOSCBBBB